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Cryptocurrency Address Regex

Cryptocurrency Wallet Address Regex

Matching Virtual Addresses in Cryptocurrency Realm


In the world of digital currencies, knowing how to identify and validate cryptocurrency wallet addresses is crucial for secure transactions. Regular expressions (regex) come into play as powerful tools for matching patterns in text, including the unique formats of cryptocurrency addresses. This blog post will delve into the specific regex patterns used to detect and validate Bitcoin addresses, providing insights and practical examples.

Bitcoin Address Format

A Bitcoin address is a unique identifier, a virtual address that serves as the destination for cryptocurrency transactions. It consists of 26-35 alphanumeric characters, always starting with the number 1.

Regex for Bitcoin Address Validation

To validate a string as a Bitcoin address, the following regex pattern can be used:


Breaking down the regex:

  • ^1: Ensures the address starts with the number 1.
  • [a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]: Matches alphanumeric characters within the specified range, excluding certain characters like "0" and "O" for better address differentiation.
  • {25,34}: Specifies the minimum and maximum length of the address string.

Implementation Example

 function validateBitcoinAddress(address) {   return /^1[a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}$/.test(address); } 


Regex plays a vital role in ensuring the accuracy and security of cryptocurrency transactions by providing a reliable way to match and validate wallet addresses. Understanding these regex patterns is essential for developers, security professionals, and anyone involved in handling cryptocurrency transactions.
